تعلم صنع بانكيك بسهوله (learning to make pancake easily)

طريقه تحضير البان كيك سهل وصحي ولذيذ

How to prepare pancake easy,healthy and delicious

تابعنا على فيسبوك

((For more information in English Review Comment))
انسخ كود الشكل الذى تريده وضعه فى تعليق
اذا كنت لا تملك حساب على بلوجر قم بإختيار التعليق باسم " مجهول " , مزيد من المعلومات من هنا

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. contents:
    2eggs-1cup milk-1cup flour-2tablespoons sugar-2tablespoons bakingpowder-1teaspoon salt-1teaspoon vanilla-2tablespoons oil
    Batters the eggs with the vanilla, then add the milk and continue whisking Mix flour with sugar, Baking powder and salt well and then added to the mixture and also Batters then add them oil and continue whisking to be homogeneous components and leave the mixture to rest 10 minutes, then wipe the pan with a little oil survey and pour a little of the mixture is left up its shape is also in the video, then turns to face the other and after frying each mixture, placed in layers and pour honey over it


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